Why your Cockapoo needs THIS dog collar

Why your Cockapoo needs THIS dog collar

So, let's sort the Myth from the Reality.

Cockapoos and other Poodle Mixes are intelligent, adorable and, honestly, they can resemble real live Teddy Bears.

We love the look. 

But gosh darn it, their coat is prone to forming knots and tangles. 

So, we take them to the groomers. That will sort them.

The groomer sees us a mile off. Uh-oh. What's this? 

Your pup is MATTED. Tight, twisting knots and tangles. At the collar. Under the legs. Heck, all along the leg. 

Oh dear.

Shave down? Whaaaat?? Noooo. 

And my fluffy little wonderball of delight and mayhem now resembles a RAT.

What to do??

Brushing, combing, brushing, more visits to the groomer. A regular schedule, every four to six weeks.

Does this sound familiar?

We're here to help. And that includes you Cavapoo, Maltipoo, Schnoodle, Labradoodle and OtherPoo.

The ideal collar for a Cockapoo or other Poodle Mix (with the inherited Poodle coat), is a ROLLED soft leather collar.

  • First, the rolled construction of the collar minimises any damage to, or flattening of, the coat
  • Second, leather, as a natural product, is kinder to the coat and skin than a synthetic product made mostly of reconstituted plastics
  • Third, the collar we make at our London workshop is Lifetime Stitching Guaranteed

See the full choice of colours here.


Like Poodles, the Cockapoo and other Poodle mixes require regular grooming. The coat is prone to 'matting' (the forming of knots). Left unattended (ie. not brushed out daily or every other day), the knots can tangle and twist and become almost felt-like. This has consequences for their skin.

If you've ever caught your hair in a necklace or coat zipper and felt the short sharp pain of your hair being pulled, this is like the pain your dog will feel when it's matted. There is no escape from that unrelenting pain unless the coat is treated. Depending on the severity of the knots, the coat may have to be shaved (the hair grows back so don't worry!).


So how do you prevent the knots from forming in the first place?

A typical area of the coat that is prone to matting is around the collar (the neck). Wearing a FLAT collar crushes the coat and this contributes to knots forming.

Have a conversation with your dog's groomer. They are also likely to recommend a rolled soft leather dog collar for your Cockapoo because they want to help you safeguard your dog's coat from matting. That way you can also help to preserve the 'cute' look of your pup that attracted you (and/or your children) to this mixed breed in the first place. 


Handmade in London. Authentic artisan craftsmanship*

At Dogs & Horses, we make the rolled soft leather collar and matching lead in our London workshop. It's available in a variety of classic and contemporary colours.


Take a look : click here



Designed for your dog's comfort and security, the matching rolled soft leather lead is also soft to hold and handle, but still strong, with a breaking load 100kg+.


* Proudly British Made in London by expert craftspeople using the finest soft leathers and equestrian-standard metal fittings.  


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